Monday, June 01, 2009

CHKDSK runs every time the PC boots! D: is Dirty

Every time when the PC boot, the check disk (CHKDSK) runs and states that "D: is Dirty".

To fix the problem:
1. Click on the Start menu and open the run dialog.
2. Type "cmd" and return (without quotes)
3. Next type "fsutil dirty query " (for example, C:)
4. If the returned message indicates that the volume is dirty, go to step 5
5. Next type "chkdsk /f /x"
6. After that finishes, repeat step 3.
7. If the volume is no longer dirty, reboot and chkdsk should not reappear.

- The "fsutil dirty query" reports the current state of the flag.
- "Chkdsk /f" forces Chkdsk to run whether or not the flag is dirty--- it's a way to ensure that errors are fixed, regardless of what the flag says.
- "Chkdsk /x" goes a little further and helps ensure that any files that were left open get closed; it actually implies "/f" so you don't need the /f if you're using /x .
- With either /f or /x, at the end of the run, Chkdsk should set the flag to clean.
